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The name of this association shall be called Nigerian Schools Foundation (NSF USA) (herein referred to as the “Association”)


The general purpose of this Association shall be to bring Nigerian Secondary School Alumni together in North America.

The Association shall:

  1. Foster Alumni organization creation under the auspices of the Association

  2. Providing a forum for common alumni to reconnect

  3. Stimulate the interest and activities of members of the Association

  4. Provide financial, academic, and career development support to current students of the member Schools

  5. Celebrate member achievements


  1. Eligibility ‐ Membership shall be open to alumni of Nigerian Secondary Schools,

  2. Membership – Membership shall be validated upon payment of the dues as outlined in Article III, Section III—Dues

  3. Dues – The dues schedule shall be determined, from time to time, by the Executive Committee.


The Association shall be governed by an Executive Committee consisting of up to Nine Alumni Members, whose rights and privileges have not been revoked or suspended. Only dues‐paying members can serve as a member of the executive committee. The Executive committee shall be responsible for the management, oversight and active conduct of the affairs of the Association. The Executive committee shall meet after due notice not less than once every three (3) months. More than one third of the members of the Board then in office shall constitute a quorum.

  • President

    • The President shall;

      1. President at Executive, Emergency, and General Meetings of the Association.

      2. Vote only in the case of a deadlock

      3. Appoint committee Chairpersons subject to the approval of the Executive Committee

      4. Serve as an Ex‐Officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee

      5. Perform such other duties as ordinarily pertained to this office

      6. The President in conjunction with the General Secretary shall liaise with Chapters and Sister organizations

  • Vice resident

    • The Vice President shall;

      1. Preside in the absence of the President.

      2. In the event that the President becomes incapacitated through sickness or removal from office, the VP shall take over as Acting President.

  • General Secretary

    • The General Secretary shall;

      1. The General Secretary shall summon general, emergency and Executive meetings of the Association.

      2. Prepare minutes of the General Meeting and all other meetings

      3. In the absence of the President and the Vice‐President, the General Secretary shall preside at any meeting of the Association

      4. The general secretary shall write and dispatch circulars, letters, and other correspondences of the AssociaƟon including that of the Executive Council.

      5. Be responsible for keeping all records of the administration. Also make them available at meetings to facilitate quick reference to them in the course of the meetings.

      6. The General Secretary shall keep general membership information.

      7. The General Secretary in conjunction with the President shall liaise with Chapters and Sister organizations.

      8. The General Secretary shall furnish an Annual Report or Special Reports of the activities of the Association at the General, Emergency and the Executive meetings of the Association as required.

  • Assistant General Secretary

    • The Assistant General Secretary shall;

      1. The Assistant general secretary shall deputize for the general secretary and assume all roles as necessary.

  • Financial Secretary

    • The Financial Secretary shall:

      1. Be responsible for the collection of funds and hand over all monies of the Association to the Treasurer.

      2. Furnish a report of the Associations financial position and circulate a list of member payments to the Executives and general members as deem necessary.

      3. Financial Secretary shall prepare Financial report and annual budget with the executives’ involvement and submit all financial records for auditing of the associations account.

      4. Reconcile her books with those of the Treasurer regularly.

      5. Perform all other financial duties as may be assigned to him/her by the Executives.

  • Treasurer

    • The Treasurer shall;

      1. Keep satisfactory records of all receipts and payments and reconcile them with the Financial Secretary regularly.

      2. Keep meticulous record of all monies paid into the Associations account;

      3. Submit the Group’s Statement of Account at the Annual General Meeting.

      4. Make the book of accounts available to the Internal Audi‐ tor and/or the External Auditor (when requested) for inspection.

  • Public Relations Officer

    • The Public Relations Officer shall;

      1. Promote adequate and prompt publicity of the activities of the Association.

      2. Present a positive image of the Association to the Public.

      3. Shall be responsible along with social secretary for membership drives.

      4. Publish press releases and statements on matters of general interest to the Association and the public after consultation with the President or the Executives.

      5. Perform all other public relations duties as may be assigned by the Executives.

  • Social Secretary

    • The Social Secretary shall;

      1. Will be responsible for organizing all social activities of the Association.

      2. Shall be responsible along with public relations officer for membership drives.

      3. Perform all other social duties  as may be assigned by the Executives

  • Whip

    • The Whip shall;

      1. Not serve as the member of the disciplinary committee.

      2. Call the meetings to order.

      3. Maintain order of all meetings.

      4. Give members a reasonable amount of warning as defined by the Disciplinary Committee before a fine can be Levied.

      5. Be empowered to impose fines not to exceed as defined by the Disciplinary Committee per conduct considered disruptive to the meeting.

      6. Have the authority to have such fines applied to the member's monthly dues rendering the member delinquent or not in good standing.

      7. Keep records of all fines collected and demand a receipt from the Financial Secretary.

      8. Maintain a neutral position when there is a dispute.


  1. Election – The officers shall be elected by ballot at the bi‐annual mee􀆟ng by a majority vote cast for that office.

  2. Term of Office – The officers shall serve for two years and their term of office shall begin a􀅌er the bi‐annual mee􀆟ng.

  3. Vacancies – If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice‐President shall assume the office for the remainder of the term and vacancies in any other office shall be filled by a special elec􀆟tion.


  1. Meeti􀆟ngs – Quarterly mee􀆟tings shall be held as agreed by the group. The date and 􀆟time of the meeting shall be set by the Execu􀆟tives.

  2. Special meeti􀆟ngs may be called by the President with the approval of the Executi􀆟ves.

  3. Quorum – A quorum shall consist of 6 members in good standing.


  1. Responsibility – Management of this Associati􀆟on shall be vested in an Execu􀆟ve Committ􀆩ee responsible to the enti􀆟re membership to uphold these bylaws.

  2. Membership – This commi􀆩ttee shall consist of the officers as listed in Ar􀆟ticle III and any planning commi􀆩ttee.

  3. Meeti􀆟ngs – This commi􀆩ttee shall meet at least once between regular meeti􀆟ngs of the group to organize and plan future ac􀆟tiviti􀆟es.


  • Standing Committ􀆩ees

    1. Social Commi􀆩ttee

    2. Event Commi􀆩ttee

    3. Membership Commi􀆩ttee

    4. Welfare Commi􀆩ttee

    5. Bylaws Commi􀆩ttee

    6. Ini􀆟a􀆟ves Committ􀆩ee

    7. Fundraising Commi􀆩ttee

    8. History Commi􀆩ttee

  • Special Commi􀆩ttees – The President shall have the authority to appoint any special commi􀆩ttee as needed.

    1. Electoral Commi􀆩ttee

    2. Conference Commi􀆩ttee – This commi􀆩ttee shall be composed of the Vice‐President as chairperson and four other members shall be appointed by the Execu􀆟tives at the annual Conference, whose duty shall be to plan the overall program of the group.


  • Tax Exempt Status. The Associa􀆟tion shall operate in such a manner as to qualify for tax deduc􀆟tions. Publicati􀆟on of such tax‐advantaged status shall be made as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.

  • Income. Income received by the Associa􀆟tion may include:Shall be responsible along with public relations officer for membership drives.

    1. Dues. Annual membership dues shall be set by the Executi􀆟ve Commi􀆩ttee in accordance with Arti􀆟cle III, Dues.

    2. Contributi􀆟ons. The Associati􀆟on may solicit, in conjuncti􀆟on with requests for dues, or at other ti􀆟mes, contributi􀆟ons for a specific purpose or for the general support of the Association. Contribu􀆟tions made for a specific purpose shall be so recorded and reported, and used for the purposes described within the solicita􀆟tion.

    3. Event Income. Unless previously designated for a specific purpose by the execu􀆟tive commi􀆩ttee, income in excess of expense derived from the operation of the events shall become part of the general funds of the Associa􀆟tion.

    4. Bequests. The Associati􀆟on may solicit, in conjuncti􀆟on with requests for dues, or at other ti􀆟mes, bequests for a specific purpose or for the general support of the Associati􀆟on. Bequests and income therefrom not specifically designated for any purpose shall become a part of the permanent endowment fund as either a named scholarship or as part of the general endowment fund, unless an alterna􀆟tive use shall be approved by a majority of the executi􀆟ve commi􀆩ttee. Bequests made for a specific purpose shall be so recorded and reported, and used for the purposes designated by the donor so far as is possible unless doing so would violate public policy, regulati􀆟ons of the School, or the laws of the land.

    5. Levies

    6. Donations

    7. Solicitations

    8. Grants and Awards

    9. Fundraising

    10. Endowments


  1. Selecti􀆟on – these bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the chapter membership.

  2. Noti􀆟ce – All members shall receive no􀆟tice of the proposed amendment at least five days before the mee􀆟ting.


  1. On dissoluti􀆟on of the Associa􀆟tion, the Execu􀆟tive Committ􀆩ee, after paying or making provision for the payment of all liabili􀆟ties, shall dispose of its remaining assets exclusively for charitable or educati􀆟onal purposes that qualify as an exempt organizati􀆟on(s) under Sec􀆟on 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code or any other corresponding provision of United States law.

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